Fewster’s Farm Honey
October 2023

Fewster’s Farm Honey | October 2023 Newsletter

Fewster’s Farm Honey – October 2023 News

Welcome to the October issue of our Newsletter!

From the Bee Keeper…

We have been moving our bees into Avocado orchards this month. We move the bees at night, you may wonder why. Well, the answer is simple, the bees are less active in the cooler evenings and so are easier to transport.

The bees brought in to pollinate the avocado trees will increase crop yields & quality considerably.

We’ve been having some warmer spring days, you may have started to notice swarms of bees.
So why do bees swarm in the springtime? The swarming process is part of the natural reproductive life cycle of honey bee colonies. Colonies are stimulated to swarm during spring when warmer weather, together with an abundance of nectar and pollen, provide ideal conditions for the colony to increase rapidly.
The queen, together with the field bees, leaves the overcrowded hive and clusters on a nearby object, usually a small tree or shrub. The swarm will often remain for a day or two while scout bees (worker bees) search for a new home.

Jarrah Honey TA10+

A$22.00 – $40.00

Jarrah Honey TA20+

A$27.00 – $51.00

Jarrah Honey TA30+

A$37.50 – $66.00

Jarrah Honey TA45+

A$38.50 – $72.00

Newsletter Special Offer
15% OFF all orders throughout October.
Simply CLICK HERE to email your order request to us.
200g raw walnuts
7 Medjool dates, pitted
20g unsweetened desiccated coconut
a pinch of salt
375g cashews, soaked, drained*
120ml lemon juice
150ml maple syrup
90g Fewster’s Farm Honey
100g coconut oil, melted
1 tsp vanilla or 1 pod, seeds only
4 cups of raspberries
Extra berries to serve**
*soak cashews in water overnight or for at
least 4 hours
** consider using raspberries, blueberries
and blackberries


To make the crust, sprinkle the coconut evenly on the bottom of a 20cm loose bottom cake tin. Place the walnuts, dates and salt into a food processor, blitz until you have a crumbly sticky mix. Push the mix evenly into the base of your tin and set aside.

To make the “cheese”, blend the cashews, lemon juice, maple syrup, honey, coconut oil, vanilla powder and the raspberries in a high powered blender until completely smooth and creamy.

Pour the filling evenly onto the crust and place in the freezer for at least 2-3 hours. When you are ready to serve remove the cheesecake about 20 minutes before you want to eat it, as it needs time to soften but not totally thaw.

When you are ready to serve simply scatter the extra raspberries over the top and enjoy!

We’d love to hear from you with your favourite honey recipes!

Click here to send us your recipe and we will feature it in our newsletter

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